Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Give 'er!


I have decided to do a project on the Sargent Stubby and finish that up this week and start another tour on a homing pigeon named Cher Ami.  This tour will focus on the pigeon's missions and if not enough informtiaon is

Content this Week

This week was pretty productive and I compiled a great deal of information on Sargent Stubby and almost finished Stubby's tour.  I just have a few minor details to finish up.  Here is a link to the tour as of right now.  I still have some information I would like to add about his time in the United States, as a celebrity.  The pictures that I found were a good representation of stubby and great primary sources.

As a side note regarding Sargent Stubby, he was one of the highest ranking dogs in History and was the only dog to out rank his owner.

Cher Ami

The other tour that I started was about carrier pigeons.  Specifically, about the carrier pigeon named Cher Ami.  This carrier pigeon delivered 12 messages that were critical in the battle of Verdun.  As well as aided in the rescue of the "Lost Battalion" in the Argonne forest.  A picture of the pigeon is shown below.  On his last mission, Cher was shot through the chest with the message attached to his leg.  The pigeon refused to die.  Cher continued on his mission and delivered the message that contained the coordinates of the lost battalion.  This aided the American forces in finding the battalion.  The pigeon flew over 25 miles in less than 25 minutes.  This is still after being shot through the chest.

Here is a link to the tour of the carrier pigeons.  It is definitely not complete but has some information on Cher Ami.  Below is a picture from the tour itself with the location of Verdun and a guess of where the lost battalion was.

Notes to Do this Week:

also need to list my  game plan for the other projects

reminder to place a link to blog reference page.

as well as beef up some references

and the paper for capstone review to complete for presentation.  NEED TO DO!

as well as GEOG of FOOD plan for two papers with articles.

add to future studies in Irrigation project the countries that are in fresh water scarcity areas.

In the website labeled "crops and drops" need to add a section of problem with irrigation in world.  salination process and water logging the land.

Why this is important peice that the irrigation percent of farmland and the population of each country results in.  Why is the project important?  Why is that relationship or correlation important?

Monday, November 11, 2013



This week was spent doing some research about other forms of Communication as well as working on my tour with Sargent Stubby.  I worked on the Google Tour and worked on some major information regarding Sargent Stubby.  Although I did do some other research on my capstone this week and that dealt with more of the GIS side of things including joining tables as well as manipulating data to work with the data in statistic software.  There is a reason why I do not take those classes.  Manipulating what seems to be a small event can turn into hours spent on it in order to make it look good.  Even copying a file can be the difference of allowing the data to work.  But I did find the information after talking with Christina.  


I worked a great deal on the tour builder that displays information about Stubby.  I performed some more research as well.  This included mainly secondary sources of which I listed in the Reference page.

Below is an updated picture of my tour in Google.  Here is a link to this Google Tour

Another update in the reference page was done, adding more of my view on certain references as well as some of the information I got from each site.

Adding to what I enjoy about the google tour builder is that you have an option to utilize some historic imagery that was taking of that area as late as the 1930's, it says anyway.

I also enjoy the 3D imagery that is able to be turned on or off.  Here is a great image of one of my map locations.  The location is focused on the Smithsonian Institution.  This is the picture of a preserved Sargent Stubby in the flesh.  Here is a link to there site...American Smithsonian

The 3D buildings are pretty unique site.  It allows the viewer to be more engaged with the site.  Google earth has become a great way to see foreign places and feel like it actually was a virtual tour.  One time my freind made a statement when we were at a fire and the stars were very clear and vivid, "These are better than the internet." hahah it was very hilarious.  This is becoming more and more realistic.  

One interesting Site i found was the Canada and Communication.

some personal critiques on website references as well as some more data with stubby


Should I put references in the tours I make or are the references in the blog okay to use?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekly Check in...


The week consisted of me doing some research and looking into Sergeant Stubby.  I went to the library and learned to us the index system more efficiently.  I found some sources about Animal heroes and also ordered a few books through the interlibrary loan system.  One of the things I learned was to use quotations around words to use them as a direct phrase in what ever your searching for.


Went to the library and learned that quotations search for that phrase not individual words this helped a great deal to find certain books easier.

Ordered a few articles about communications and animals.  I received an actual book just a few days later.  I did not expect that.  Some other books I received online via E-mail the next day which was awesome.  I placed the names and links to these resources in the Reference page on this blog.

Also I began a tour builder in Google for Sargent Stubby.  A picture or two will be on this post that will display my progress.  The link to this tour is right here:  Sargent Stubby

Stubby was in a number of battles and survived a gas attack as well as shrapnel from a German hand grenade.

Another point that I would like to mention is the main reason that I am using Google tour builder.  For one it is very user friendly and it is part of Google.  I have a great deal of application that are intertwined with Google.  This allows for easy uploading of photos and other videos. A great example is Youtube.

This is a video I found on Sargent Stubby.

But regardless, I do not like working with the ESRI Storytelling because of the complicated functions as well as the not so user friendly functions.  Such as the complicated adding the CSV file.  I believe that that function could have been made easier and a great deal easier to install and keep updated. The one nice thing about the ESRI program is the ability to change the HTML code for more personalization.  Allows the user to form a variety of displays to help the reader understand what is exactly going on.

Another thing that I updated was the reference page in my blog.  I place a number of links and bibliographies of a few books about animals in World War One.  Blogger is super easy to place links in the text it is as easy as pushing a button.


The progress I hope to make is get the tour done with Stubby and make plans for anther one on Animals.  perhaps pigeons.

A few more mention from Email and fix page for links
got a book today about animal heros in the great war